Nadine’s Passion Through Journalism

Nadine Godinez
2 min readJan 31, 2021

Growing up I have always enjoyed writing but did not know what I wanted to do with it. Throughout my college career I struggled in knowing what I wanted to do. I graduated high school in 2017 with the intention of pursuing film at California State University Northridge (CSUN) but decided after my first year at CSUN that I would not want to do that. I took a year to finish my GE’s at Golden West Community College to figure out what I truly wanted and after weeks of working with a counselor I figured my passion would be journalism. After I caught up on all my GE’s I reenrolled at CSUN to finish my Junior and Senior year. My college career has been filled with many amazing Professors who have offered their continuing amount of support to help me through this never ending journey of self discovery.

My last trip to Mexico before the pandemic hit. Cancun, Mexico

When I started my Journalism 315 class my professor asked what my true passion was and I did not know what that truly was. After weeks of deciding and trying to figure out my true passion I decided on traveling. Ever since I was young I enjoyed traveling. I have been to many different parts of the world such as France, Rome, Italy, and different parts of Mexico. My professor helped open my eyes to that and got me to work on a blog to start creating my own pieces. That push was something I needed to help me see everything and when I thought I couldn’t do this he made me realize that I can. That blog pushed me out of my comfort zone and his class made me work harder for my passion. That blog means everything to me because it was something that I worked on and was able to share with others and be proud of the work I had created. Before that class I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do and now I know that I will do something with traveling.

Looking back through pictures I am most happy when I travel. San Francisco, California

